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  4. Add me on WeChat shifty1337
  5. Add me on WeChat: 'shifty1337'
  6. 中国用户如何购买
  7. 有没有中国代理 我该怎么购买
  8. Thank you for your kind words!
  9. Very like hack,perfectly aim and esp,i like this hack very much,and best support Shifty ❤️


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  11. You can also add my on Discord, and we can discuss other options. Currently the website supports crypto only and through Chiense agents.
  12. I'll give it a try or else I'll wait for card acceptance to be added, thanks for all.
  13. Currently, we can't accept cards, but we will in the near future. You can try and buy from here: https://cryptovoucher.io/ As far I understood it you deposit a certain amount with card or some other payment form of your choice, and you get a code. You then choose the cryptocurrency to redeem it in and you are ready to pay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AfSjyEG-eo
  14. In Spain it sucks to buy cryptocurrencies as they make you declare then the purchases and movements of cryptocurrencies, come on they have made it sucks to trade with it, any alternative? In the past, you had card payments on the same platform and it was much easier
  15. Currently, you can buy using Crypto Currency: Bitcoin Litecoin Dogecoin You can buy crypto currency from various websites or exchanges. https://litecoin.com/en/buy https://cryptovoucher.io/ https://crypto.com/ https://www.binance.com/en https://www.coinbase.com/ https://www.paypal.com/us/digital-wallet/manage-money/crypto https://www.kraken.com/learn/buy-crypto https://www.okx.com/ There are many others, these are some exmaples.
  16. I would like to know the current payment methods I want to pay from Spain with EUROS and it is getting very complicated with the new Chinese methods. How can I order or can you integrate a guide?
  17. Hey, You can find your code here: https://umbraredux.net/clients/purchases/ Step By Step 循序渐进 Store -> Manage Purchases 商店 -> 管理购买 Find your purchase and click the "Manage" button on the right side 找到您购买的产品,点击右侧的 "管理 "按钮。 Find code ande copy it 找到代码并复制
  18. 晚上好,我通过使用使用支付宝购买了泰坦30天的卡密,但是邮箱并没有收到卡密,这是为什么?
  19. 目前是全部重置了,有权限的话你可以下载试用。
  20. Hey, I have not decided yet whether to import the old database from the old forum. I may do it later. Considering that you are an old user, I have went ahead and granted you access for 2 days so you can try it out. You can also reach me on WeChat and Discord, if you would like. Please take note of the current anti-cheat status page regarding the product you wish to try out! https://umbraredux.net/status/
  21. 我想请问之前的老账号全部重置了吗?为什么我的等级和加入时间全部重置了? 还有我想先试用一下泰坦是否可以为我使用 看到后请回复并解答问题感谢!
  22. Fixed the discord login issue. Try again now. It is a kernel driver. No need to boot from USB.
  23. hey my discord is already linked but I'm not sure how to join the server. I sent u a friend request. So the aimbot is still using a kernel bootkit and works as before? I just want to be 100% vac safe.
  24. Hey, The old team has disbanded due to various factors. You can read more about it on the old domain. After disbanding I have reached out to two old friends, and we decided that we carry on. The name of one of the products is the same (Titan), that is because old customers are already familiar with it. We have kept the same formula in terms of approach and purpose, we improved existing functions such as: aim bot, visibility check, and added more to compliment the existing ones for example: ESP, Shot delay, the closest bone to name a few. This is not based, nor it is using any old code from the old project, however you don't have to worry, regarding safety, as that is still our number #1 priority. We're also planning to bring back Cloud Radar with a few tweaks for both the kernel and DMA versions. You can join the discord via the Website. Considering that you are an old user, if you would like to try it out before buying, let me know.
  25. Hey, I used to use u guys for quite a while about a year ago just before cs2 release. I heard ur dev quit so is the new cheat using the same source as the old or just the same bypass? I trusted my main with u guys and never had any issues fragging high in global, no lower trust, no vac net dtc or anything like that, so im just wondering if its still the same? Also I think at really high elos (im around 20k and still gaining 350 per game) they start manual checking and shadow banning ppl so I just want to stay on the safer side. also is there still a discord? can I get an invite? Would be easier to resolve payment since crypto is troublesome to get in Canada Have been using ini and midnight so far, but idk if they will last at top 500 NA or higher. Thinking of hexui too but heard that their aimbot is really bad. Also is cloud radar still a thing? or is it only aim now?
  26. At this time Gamers Club is not supported by “Titan”. You may be able to use our DMA software “Spirit”, if your board has a secure firmware that bypasses their anti-cheat. Currently, our payment system only supports BTC, LTC, and DOGE. If you would like to buy with Ether, then you can either exchange it to BTC, LTC or DOGE, or open a ticket, and we can provide you with a key for ETH.
  27. Hmm... I get it, I already have ETHER assets... I wanted to buy the daily cheat to test at the Gamers Club, as I told you in a previous ticket, I'm looking for something for league! But I'm getting a lot of difficulty, showing up a lot of scammers
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